Childs Hill & Claremont Federation

Ofsted Report 2024

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20th Sep 2024

Childs Hill Primary School received a Good Ofsted rating in September 2024. The full report can be downloaded below. Some of the highlights from this report include:


Pupils are taught in a meaningful and age-appropriate way about important topics such as keeping themselves safe, healthy relationships and equality. Teachers typically have the subject knowledge to deliver the curriculum well. They plan activities and tasks that enable pupils to learn the intended curriculum successfully. Teachers are clear in their explanations. They use different ways to check pupils’ understanding. Teachers are beginning to adapt the curriculum to address any gaps in learning. 


This is a very inclusive school. Pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), are happy and value their friendships. Their happiness is also displayed in the warmth they show for their teachers. 


The school community is highly valued by pupils, staff and families. The community council is a strong pupil and parent group that works together for the school, the local community and beyond. For example, the pupil ‘eco-councillors’ wrote a letter to a local company for a donation of plants. Following their success, they planted flowers in the local community. Parents and carers appreciate the care and regular communication the school provides. 


Pupils’ behaviour in and beyond the classroom is excellent. At breaktimes they play well and have a lot of fun together. Pupils are respectful of their peers and staff. They feel safe and are taught to keep themselves out of danger.  

Ofsted Report 2024